Libre & Open Source

11 releases so far

200+ users on 10+ instances


Crafting an ethical & decentralized social network platform.

Personal project — since 2021


Mangane means "rogue" in Bordeluche (the Bordeaux dialect).

It's the name we've given to the software that runs our local (but open to the rest of the world) social network, without advertising or the commercialisation of personal data.

Clovis, the dev behind the project, asked for my help to improve the experience offered to users.

We were starting from an existing graphical and functional base, but we both wanted to go further and offer features that weren't there before, to make it easier to get to grips with and adopt this decentralised network.


We want this microblogging platform to be a place for local artists, makers, creators and craftspeople from Bordeaux and the surrounding area to interact, confront ideas and help each other.

Some users were already familiar with the Fediverse, the concept of federation between different servers and what this way of doing things implied for the people joining. But newcomers were often kinda lost with all the differences with a centralized product, own by one entity, where you don’t have that much choice and everyone is at the same place.

So, in order to make Mangane really open to as many folks as possible, we came to the conclusion we needed to give people the tools to enter this new realm instead of letting them figure every thing on their own..

1. Onboarding new members.

First, we decided to onboard people and guide them through their first steps. We just needed to make it as concise as possible not to overflow people with information.

Benchmark & Research.

At that time, only Mastodon ever proposed some kind of onboarding. And they even dropped it the year prior, in 2020, in favor of an email that recaps some useful knowledge and links to some settings and presets.

So… benchmark went pretty quick, even though i managed to put my hand on said onboarding thanks to an outdated instance 😅

3-step mastodon's original onboarding with its mammoth mascot

While it was there though, the onboarding modal was introducing instances and how they can interact with each others, and the several feeds that were available to the user.

Questions remain though: do we really need to remind people the name and URL of the server they just joined? Do they really already know how to like, share or interact with another post they stumble upon?

Based on what we observed, and feedback we gathered for a few weeks, I listed every topic we coud address in our onboarding — based on Mastodon’s but also concepts we saw people weren’t really grasping — before ordering them by importance.

Define the scope.

We ended up with that list:

✅ Required

👍 Interesting

❓ Optional

Not to have a too long onboarding, my proposal went with 4 steps:

  1. Welcome: explanation about how instances interact (like email providers)
    skecth of users interacting with their server and other ones
  2. Introducing the feeds and their differences
    visual representation of each feed with a sketch
  3. Introducing the privacy options for posts
  4. Suggesting what to do next

Designing the modal.

I ended up with an additional step (step 1 was divided in 2 cause it had more info than I first thought) but apart from that, everything went according to plan!

5-step onboarding with a stepper at the bottom and placeholders for the upcoming illustrations

I also suggested that, rather than taking the user to an empty home timeline, we’d show them the local one, with everyone from the same server so they can dive straight in the conversation.

The empty home feed would display a message explaining how to populate it, suggesting to follow people or hashtags.

2. User directory.

In addition to the onboarding, and still with the aim of helping people find other people to follow and interact. with, we wanted for Mangane to have a user directory.

Mastodon, and Misskey, two others fediverse softwares, were already offering those and we felt they could be pretty useful.


Before I even start working on that feature, my feeling was that the numbers of followings and followers shouldn’t be relevant data when it comes to follow someone. Those vanity metrics can only amplify social media addiction which is not our goal.

The poll I ran confirmed that people mostly don’t care for those (and for those who do, they’re often more interested in “smaller” accounts than big ones.)

Question: "when considering following someone, their humber of followers is...?" 4% answered "relevant: big numbers confort you", 10% answered "relevant: big numbers repel you", 4% answered "relevant: small numbers encourage you", no one answered "relevant: small numbers discourage you", 50% answered "irrelevant" & 31% answered "often not even accurate on the fediverse"

On the other hand, the number of posts can be an indication — one can be looking for active profiles so their feed is always fresh, others might want to avoid the chatty ones. Even more when paired with an inscription date so we can get a frequency of publishing.

Ideally we’d only need that frequency, so users don’t have to do the the maths themselves. The only downside would be a user who’s been lurking for a while and suddenly starts posting a lot. They would display an inaccurate frequency for a while.


Before I even went and see how others were doing it, I wanted to go over how Mangane was already displaying profile cards at different places. Those would be used a refereces for the directory so we don’t need to code something from scratch that would feel out of place.

card contains banner profile picture & username, + the numbers of posts, followers and following
View of own profile on homepage
card contains same infos + a tag if they follow you, a big button to follow/unfollow, another tag if they're an admin. Card also features a bio
View of someone's profile when hovering their avatar on a feed.


At first, Mastodon seems to display the same data (banner, profile picture, bio, number of posts & followers).

The software stands out by offering “last activity” data, which allows you to better gauge the ‘vitality’ of an account and avoid following a ghost profile…

cards contain banner, profile picture, an icon to follow/unfollow, first line of bio, numbers of posts & followers + last activity

It also allow to filter views (recently active, newcomers, local or federated profiles…)


Misskey profile cards offers exactly the same informations than Mangane. Its directory offers “pin users” which is a hand-picked selection from the admins

cards contain banner, profile picture, an icon to follow/unfollow, first two lines of bio, numers of posts, followers and following


In the light of these considerations, I started iterating on graphic solutions in order to find the most efficient and visually appealing one.

I used the default user card as a starting point and removed every data except number of posts and last activity.

first iteration: contains banner, with a tag if they follow you or they're an admin, profile picture, first 6 lines of bio, number of posts and last activity

I tried with a “online / offline” pill but i was redundant with last activity in addition to not being relevant to whether to follows someone or not.

same card but without the number of posts, replaced with the online status

Another path, a more virtuous one maybe, came to my mind: why not delete all data and rely only on people’s bio? A version stripped to the bare minimal, to really avoid the race for metrics and the snowball effect of “big” accounts getting even bigger.

same card with no other after the bio

I really liked it, and I even suggested it to Clovis…
There's a hitch…

same card but bio is just "hi"

With users with a short bio.
Or no bio at all.
Now, the card now looks empty and poorly designed.

We considered a masonry display for the directory, so we could have variable height cards but we felt that readability was affected and sticked to a class fixed-height grid.

In the end the final pick was my first draft. The data at the bottom is not only reassuring to most users, it also give visual rhythm to the card. Guess sometimes you get it right the first time, but you don't realize it until you're experimenting with other ways. 😅

A 3-column interface, the middle one being larger than the two sidebars. Left sidebar has a navigation menu when right one has a settings and options menu. The main section contains a 2-column grid of user cards.
Yeah, the UI changes its accent color every season 👀
See the interactive prototype

Achievements & Reflections

Smooth landing on the fediverse.

Both onboarding and user directory were warmly welcomed when released. With a growing number of newcomers, we've still seen a significant drop in posts asking for help.

Last year, we've introduced the ability to follow hashtags, as a new and better way to find new people to engage with. Therefore I recently ran a new poll to see if user directory was still used. As I was expecting it, only a minority of respondants actually use it nowadays.

Fun fact: half of respondants using another software than Mangane, didn't even know they had such a tool.

Other improvements.

Over time, I've dedicated myself to improve Mangane, bit by bit. Since it's a personal project for both Clovis and I, things go slowly.

Anyway, we manage to implement a lot of things that upgrade the overall experience with our software:

the same 3-column interface, this time with a blue accent color. The navs from both sidebar are merged in the left one.

What's next?

We keep Mangane evolving as much as we can. Clovis is currently refactoring most of the code to clean it and make Mangane even more lightweight and sustainable.

I started working on a total rebranding, so we cut ties with the old-twitter look once and for all.

We started building a Design System for both Mangane and a minimalist blog provider, called Noircir.

Still a 3-column interface, with 2 sidebars and a central section. But the overall look is way more minimal with a neumorphism twist: background is beige, sections are divided by dashed lines. Nav items don't have background, only their icons do. Remaning buttons have green background, big borders and bigger plain shadows.

See the interactive prototype
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